Unlock Phone Immediately 7,0/10 1398votes

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page.. It has now been a little over one week since AT&T announced that it would officially unlock customer’s iPhones if they met certain requirements.

Unlock your Cell Phone Fast and Safe using Genuine Unlock Codes. Secure website. Reliable phone unlocking services or money back guarantee. Oct 01, 2017 Unlocking your iPhone means that you can use it with different carriers.

Unlock Phone Immediately

The resulting rush overloaded support representatives, with sources inside AT&T telling ExtremeTech that the queue exceeded 10,000 at its highest points last week. Those early adopters as a result waited nearly a week in some cases for the unlock to be authorized.

Why did the queue grow so big, so fast? The unlocking procedure, we’re told. While unlocking most phones can be done without the interference of the manufacturer, Apple does it differently. Access to the tool is limited to technical support and members of AT&T’s “unlock” team, so talking to a regular old customer support rep is not going to do you any good. After verifying you meet the requirements, the technical support representative then enters your IMEI (the phone’s identification number) into the tool provided by Apple, which in turn activates the unlock and sends the confirmation email to the user. T Mobile Iphone 6s Unlock Service. If you contact customer support, those representatives can only open a case ticket, which depending on workload could take days to resolve, our source says. So what’s the quickest route to unlocked bliss?

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