Unlock Iphone Screen From Computer 7,1/10 8362votes

Aug 18, 2016 Yep, but not on the computer. One hi-def TV; One HDMI cable; One lightning to HDMI adapter; At least one steady hand; A lot of patience. Connect the adapter to the iPhone, the cable to the adapter, the TV to the cable. Use the video feed on the TV to unlock the iPhone. If you touch the wrong spot on the iPhone. Learn how to unlock your iPhone with cracked screen and then consider an iPhone repair service. Other Broken iPhone Screen - Enter passcode using software. My iPhone 6 and smashed the screen. Me type the passcode into a computer and unlock my iPhone.

Unlock Iphone Screen From Computer

I found your post because I'm desperate to get important photos off of my destroyed iphone. It can still receive a charge, and my Mac knows it's connected, but I can't type in the passcode or 'trust this device'. It has never been plugged into this computer before. So - I'm hoping your solution may be able to help me, and I just need some clarification. Did you plug the Lightening to USB cord to your phone and then plug the whole thing into a USB keyboard?

You were able to use the keyboard to type in the passcode? My screen is so destroyed that I can't see anything on it, so I wasn't sure if this might be an option for me to try. I do know I can 'make it come alive' though because at the Genius Bar they hooked it up to a TV and I could see the display. I guess I'm looking for a step by step. I don't have the cord or a keyboard, so I'd have to go out and buy both. Thank you so much!!! Wise Care 365 Pro Keygen. Jul 14, 2016 2:01 PM. Will Apple Store Unlock My Iphone on this page.

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