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This is an incomplete list of community-reported scam sites that pretend to distribute or sell jailbreaking and unlocking tools/services. (There are many other scam sites not listed here yet.) If you see a site selling jailbreaking or unlocking software (or asking you to do a survey before downloading), it's a scam. (Companies make money when you fill out surveys, so they promise a jailbreak to get you to fill them out.) Scam sites may also provide free fake tools that actually install adware or other kinds of malware in order to make money from you. Some legitimate forms of unlocking are not free - third-party IMEI unlocks and SIM interposer devices both cost money - but ultrasn0w is always free. In general, please consider: is what the site promises too good to be true?

Does it promise a new jailbreak for the latest iOS version, when nobody from trusted sources (such as well-known blogs or Reddit or developers on Twitter) is talking about this new jailbreak? When a real new jailbreak gets released, huge numbers of people talk about it - so if you find something people aren't talking about, be very skeptical and check trusted sources.

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