Apple Unlock Phone Request 5,6/10 1552votes

Apple CEO Tim Cook has confirmed that the company will appeal to unlock an iPhone belonging to one of the terrorists involved in the San Bernardino shooting. Free Iphone Carrier Unlock Software more.  Following the request, Cook argued, would “threaten the security of our customers.” The device in question — an iPhone 5c — was in the possession of Syed Farook, who, alongside his wife, carried out a mass shooting during a training event at the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, where he worked, last December. The phone was owned by the agency and assigned to Farook. Xforce Keygen Autocad 2016 Free Download on this page.

He and his wife were later killed by police in a shootout. Authorities want access to data on the phone and are seeking Apple’s help to crack the passcode () by creating software which, when loaded onto the device, would circumvent the security system. That’s because, beyond the passcode itself, Apple’s security measures include an ‘auto-erase function’ which, if activated by a user, will erase all data on a device if the passcode is entered incorrectly 10 times. In a letter to Apple customers, has provided “data that’s in our possession” but it will not develop a “backdoor” for its software: We have great respect for the professionals at the FBI, and we believe their intentions are good.

Apple Unlock Phone Request
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